118 Visitors viewed Rosenkranz Elektronik ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Oscilloscopes, Analog Oscilloscopes
Manufacturer: Tektronix
Model: 7B53A
Condition: Used
Seller: Rosenkranz Elektronik
Tektronix 7B53A Opts: no Option
Dual Time Base Plug-in, compatible with 7000-Series mainframes. This time base will trigger to 100 MHz and has normal, intensified delaying, delayed, and mixed sweep modes. Delaying sweep speeds are 50 ns to 5 s/div in 25 steps (calibrated) and at least 2.5 times the calibrated sweep rate, continuously variable between steps (uncalibrated). Other very useful functions are X10 MAG, INT. and EXT. (main amp; delayed) trigger inputs, single sweep, front-panel Cal and fine/coarse position controls. The unit is recommended for use with 7313 and 7600-Mainframes.Option: no Option
The Tektronix 7B53A is a dual time base for use with the 7000 Series of mainframes. It is particularly recommended for the 7600 Series of mainframes but is compatible with any other mainframes of the 7000 Series, and together with a 7A series amplifier, forms a complete oscilloscope system.
The 7B53A and 7B53AN are electrically identical except that only the 7B53A is compatible with the alphanumeric readout system provided for the 7000 Series oscilloscopes.
Used-Line Dealer since : 2000
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Tektronix 7B53A