We’re sorry but the orensen (Ametek) DHP 250-60 is not currently listed for sale on Used-Line.
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Here’s some important info about the product you searched for:
orensen (Ametek) DHP 250-60 (DHP Series) Main Features and Specifications
The series has a unique modular design that results in three rackmount profiles according to output power
@Unique Controls and Commands:@
Power-Off Memory: Enabling the input power and pushing the LAST SET button will restore the supply settings
External Shutdown: An external shut down to inhibit the output
Up/down arrows control voltages, step changes and current
@Digital Displays:@
Power supply rating
Output power, voltage and current
All power, voltage and current set points and limits
Present and highest AC input voltage
Present and highest air inlet temperature
Power and auto-step sequence settings
Calibration set-up
Remote operation set-up
Diagnostics fault status summary
@Protection and Safety@
Front Panel Lockout: Most front panel controls are disabled when operated remotely
Overcurrent, overvoltage, over-temperature, surge limit, soft start, brown out and short circuit protection