58 Visitors viewed Amabile Electronic Test LLC ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Meters, Multimeters
Manufacturer: Fluke
Model: 87V
Condition: Used
Seller: Amabile Electronic Test LLC
The new Fluke 87V has improved measurement functions, trouble-shooting features
The new Fluke 87V has improved measurement functions, trouble-shooting features, resolution and accuracy to solve more problems on motor drives, in plant automation, power distribution and electro-mechanical equipment. True-rms ac voltage and current for accurate measurements on non linear signals Selectable filter for accurate voltage and frequency measurements on motor drives 0.05 % dc accuracy 6000 counts, 3-3/4 digits 4-1/2 digit mode for precise measurements (20,000 counts) Measure up to 1000 V ac and dc Measure up to 10 A, 20 A for up to 30 seconds Built in thermometer lets you carry one less tool (TC probe included) Frequency to 200 kHz and % duty cycle Resistance, continuity and diode test 10,000 µF capacitance range for components and motor caps Min/Max-Average recording with Min/Max Alert to capture variations automatically Peak capture to record transients as fast as 250 µs Relative mode to remove test lead interference from low ohms measurements Auto and manual ranging for maximum flexibility Touch Hold to capture stable readings avoiding noisy signals Large display digits and two-level bright white backlight for increased visibility Analog bargraph for fast changing or unstable signals Input Alert provides audible warning against wrong use of input jacks Improved selectable sleep mode for long battery life Access door for fast battery changes without breaking the calibration seal "Classic" design with new removable holster with built in test lead and probe storage Liifetime warranty reconditioned
The new Fluke 87V has improved measurement functions, trouble-shooting features, resolution and accuracy to solve more problems on motor drives, in plant automation, power distribution and electro-mechanical equipment.
Seller Liberty Test Equipment, Inc.
Seller Valuetronics International Inc
Used-Line Dealer since : 2010
Company info
Amabile Electronic Test LLC (AET) provides a wide variety of pre-owned bench top, portable and rack mountable electronic test and measurement equipment. Our services include sales, rentals, leases, calibration and repair. AET will even buy your underutilized and surplus equipment for cash or trade in toward new equipment. AET carries and supports all leading manufacturers specializing in HP, Agilent, Tektronix, Rohde & Schwarz, Fluke and Anritsu. Our equipment has been calibrated in laboratories accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in accordance with the recognized international standards ISO/IEC 17025:2005, ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 and requirements of ISO9001-2008 for calibration of measuring and test equipment.
We are specialized in
Accessories, Calibration, Data Acquisition, Generators, Metrology, Optics / FiberOptics, Oscilloscopes & Logic Analyzers, Power Products & Compliance Equipment, RF & Microwave, Telecom, Timers & Counters
Our Services
Rentals, Calibration, Repair
Our Sales Policy
All equipment is offered with a parts and labor warranty and right of refusal period to give you the added assurance you are receiving quality equipment ready to work upon a timely delivery.
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Fluke 87V