247 Visitors viewed Valuetronics International Inc ads in the last 30 Days
Categories: Meters, Phase Meters
Manufacturer: Wavetek
Model: 750
Condition: Used
Seller: Valuetronics International Inc
WaveTek 5XP The 5XP is a 750 V, 1 kV, 3.5 Digit, Handheld multimeter from WaveTek.
The 750 Digital Phase Meter accurately measures phase angle between two AC signals within 10Hz to 2MHz. Amplitude ratio can be as large as 1004:1. The unit provides 4-digit readout with ±0.1º accuracy and has a 1 mV to 340 V input range.
Seller Amabile Electronic Test LLC
Seller BRL Test, Inc.
Seller NSCA Technologies LLC
Used-Line Dealer since : 1999
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Product Specs
(From Used-Line T&M Specifications)
Wavetek 5XP